Rock the Garden 2018
Branding, Identity, User Interface

Rock the Garden is an annual music festival organized by the Walker Art Center and 89.3 The Current. The proliferation of festivals and festival culture sparked an idea to use the microscopic garden below the feet of festival goers as a representation of the bands and the event itself. Butterflies find sightlines on a bicycle helmet alongside a melting creamsicle mosh pit of ants while a slug swipes across a lost smartphone (who hasn’t lost one of those?) as a dabbing mantis mounts the stage. A number of expressions were created including t-shirts, tickets, badges, signs, social media promotions, giveaways as well as moving visuals for the screens throughout the event.
Design Direction: Emmett Byrne, Walker Art Center
Motion: Josh Clancy
3D: Josh Clancy
Design Direction: Emmett Byrne, Walker Art Center
Motion: Josh Clancy
3D: Josh Clancy